Get Free Ebook GURPS Martial Arts, by Peter Dell'Orto
Get Free Ebook GURPS Martial Arts, by Peter Dell'Orto
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GURPS Martial Arts, by Peter Dell'Orto
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Product details
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Steve Jackson Games (August 29, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1556347626
ISBN-13: 978-1556347627
Product Dimensions:
11.1 x 8.7 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.1 pounds
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
7 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,232,320 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I can't say enough about this book.First, the content is incredibly well researched. Martial Arts is one of those great supplements you find yourself turning to in almost any RPG setting. It gets its history right, and that alone makes it a unique gem compared to most RPGs. But it goes on to explain how important concepts are presented in the relevant fiction, including movies, TV, literature, and even other RPGs. It manages to give the reader exactly the level of detail they want. Happily, the book gives a nice balance of historical, mythological and modern styles. You've got the usual suspects (different brands of kung fu and karate), but also Islamic and European medieval styles, several schools of fencing, ancient greek and roman sports, (Asian) Indian martial arts, modern MMA styles, military styles like Krav Maga, and much more. This includes an exhaustive weapons directory, a catalog of styles, historical information, and more. Many popular myths are identified, explained and corrected. The bibliography alone is amazing. If you're a gamer, this is the book for you. Actually, if you're looking for a good introductory reference and can stomach the fact that this is a roleplaying supplement, this is the book for you.Taken strictly as a game supplement for GURPS, I'd call it a must-have. The new rules are optional but well-thought out and mesh well with the existing system. A few rules from Low Tech (e.g. scabbards) didn't make it into Martial Arts, but there is a still fair degree of duplication. (The scabbards rule seems to be intended to bring weapon weights in the Basic Set into line with historical weapons and probably SHOULD have been reprinted here). The style rules don't just add flavor, they make the existing system more structured and comprehensible for newbies. Templates for futuristic and supernatural martial arts are simple, logical, useful and balanced. Guidelines for creating new techniques and styles are very clear. This book fits in with pretty much any game concept and setting, but manages somehow to be very specific as well.Some bad news: First, the hardcover edition is long out of print and hard to find. Second, one area which the book pretty much ignores is firearms (use GURPS Tactical Shooting and the PDF supplement Gun Fu for that). Some of the style perk entries aren't clearly worded. A few longstanding ambiguities remain in the combat rules despite this being the perfect place for a clarification.Overall, a GM should be buying this after the Basic Set and whatever setting-specific supplements (e.g. Low Tech and Magic for fantasy, or Ultra Tech for a science fiction game) they will be using. It's not STRICTLY needed by players, but they'll probably want a copy, too.
GURPS Martial Arts for 4th edition is a mature product that embodies the professionalism and attention to detail found in all GURPS products. This hardbound volume encompasses all previous editions of GURPS Martial Arts, and more than just updating them to 4th edition, matures them by keeping what has worked and cleaning up issues found from previous editions. This places GURPS Martial Arts among the most thoroughly play tested supplements on the market today. I consider this product to be one of the GURPS "core" books in my collection.
GURPS 4E, MARTIAL ARTS; is a valued addition to my GURPS 4E collection. It provides detailed information on numerous forms of armed and unarmed combat for player and Game Master (GM). It has realistic information that can be expanded to fantasic levels. As such one can make a Spartan Warrior of history or a Jedi Knight (TM) of Science Fiction.
Well organized, clearly written, and chock full of information.This book contains a great deal of material any melee character will find useful, regardless of if their preferred kind of combat involves empty hands or a weapon. Unlike the 3rd Edition softcover, this book does not focus on hand-to-hand styles to the exclusion of all else.
I can't possibly do this book justice. I've barely skimmed the sections on martial-arts history, campaign ideas, or sample characters: all my time has been spent thinking about tactics with the new combat possibilities. New rules come mostly in the form of new combat techniques and options (Committed Attack, Defensive Grip, etc.) and are nicely modular so you can use only the ones that support the flavour your group is looking for (cinematic, chambara, unarmed, etc.) without an combinatoric increase in complexity. The new techniques are intended primarily as new combat options and only secondarily as something to spend points on--Jeet Kune Do specializes in feints and counterattacks, for instance, but it's made clear that that's as much a combat-roleplaying guideline as a rule for point-allocation (you may choose to just raise Karate instead of Karate/Counterattack technique, and that's fine). The section on Style Perks is really neat, and fixes some GURPS Basic annoyances (in Basic, buying Off-Hand-Weapon technique is crazy because it's always cheaper to buy ambidexterity; in GURPS: MA e.g. Off-Hand-Shortsword is a perk costing 1 point instead of a technique) as well as having some cool new perks (shtick: flicking blood off your sword as a free-action Intimidation attempt). In several cases, GURPS: MA supplies optional rules that let me throw out my house rules by providing the flavour I was looking for but couldn't create with GURPS: Campaigns rules (heroic D&D-style combat, for instance, with Chambara rules + Combinations + Counterattack + Targetted Attack + Multiple Blocks + Special Exercises for extra HP). At the same time, the principled approach toward new rules, such as favoring techniques over ad hoc special abilities for styles, avoids balance problems that plagued the old 3E approach toward martial arts while maintaining the "coolness" factor of super-skilled martial artists. (In 3E, for instance, Combinations were basically a too-cheap Extra Attack; in the new book Combinations are a variant of Rapid Strike which allows you to buy off the -6 penalty but are easier to defend against if used multiple times).The book is packed with content and even better than the old 3E Martial Arts book by at least a factor of 2. When I put it together with rules from GURPS GULLIVER I have practically everything I want in terms of combat verisimilitude. The best GURPS 4E book I have seen yet.-Max
I have twelve books of the fourth edition and this is the best. A book that can be used in any scenario that contemplates the martial arts, at any time or place. Wonderful!
Exhaustively researched and painstakingly compiled, this compendium is a must read for both gaming enthusiasts and also martial arts practitioners.
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