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Product details
File Size: 28534 KB
Print Length: 704 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Mosby; 4 edition (August 13, 2013)
Publication Date: August 13, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,267,942 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This is the best reference book out there. The authors taught me all I ever needed to know in respiratory care and I've been a therapist and respiratory care educator for 25 years. The book is in outline form and will give you information and the facts.... It doesn't read like a novel, but you will have all of the facts you may ever need. Highly recommended. Many respiratory care instructors will hide this text from students because it doesn't give long and detailed explanations on topics. If you are a student looking for a great book you won't sell back, buy this bok. This book will be a one stop shop to study for your exams and the NBRC exams. If you are a therapist looking for one reference book---- this is it!!!!
The product came as expected. I like it and it came as it was advertised . I like it and I can recommend the seller and will patronized again
This book is just like brand new, and for less than half of the regular price! Couldnt ask for anything better.
The only comments I want to make is that this seller is very professional - packaging and delivery their product on time, and selling a mint condition product. Thank you! I look forward to reading the book!
This reference work is as dry as they come; it's also as complete and inclusive as they come. You won't find any illuminating discussions of respiratory techniques or patient management concepts here. The entire book is written in outline form -- definitely "just the facts, ma'am". You won't be tempted to stay up late reading this one for entertainment. So if you are a student, especially if you have not yet begun your clinicals, you don't absolutely need this book --- YET.But as soon as you DO make your first appearance in a clinical setting (even as a student), make sure you always have the most current edition of this book on hand -- and keep it in your locker, or your colleagues will walk off with it. This exhaustively comprehensive reference will recall for you every little detail of a procedure or concept, all the ones that are right on the tip of your braincell and you can't quite remember them exactly. If you encounter material in the book that is gibberish to you (and you will), you can consult the equally exhaustive bibliography for citations to works that will provide you with more detailed explanations.Think of this book as the ultimate Google for all things RT.
"The Essentials of Respiratory Care" book is one heck of a book! I have used it for many years as a Registered Respiratory Therapist. Now, I am entering my 3rd year of medical school- I still use this book VERY OFTEN as a reference! The outline format is very convenient and very thorough. My only complaint is that the authors have not seen fit to publish a NEW edition! To my knowledge, the most recent edition is 1990. :-(
This is my absolute favorite respiratory book, and I have them ALL. It's laid out in outline format, which makes it easy to quickly find the pertinent information without all the textbook fluff.
This textbook has put me through my two years of respiratory therapy classes. I found it in the library and have been using it ever since to study with. It is to the point and well written. I like it so much that I plan on buying it for clinical year. I am hoping that the author decides to publish a newer edition soon though. This book covers everything you will EVER be tested on. Definetly, good to have!
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