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, by Karl Brunnhölzl

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Product details
File Size: 525 KB
Print Length: 161 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1559393912
Publisher: Snow Lion (December 13, 2016)
Publication Date: December 13, 2016
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#410,533 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
What a delight to find a book written by a Westerner that (at least to my taste) demonstrates some realization and not just scholarliness. This book is so refreshing and celebrates what I hope are the first drops of what will become a rain of dharma blessings by non-Tibetan authors. Another author who also has some realization is psychologist Daniel P. Brown.Eh Ma Ho!The introduction, some 55 pages, is very well written and nicely demanding of our attention – instructive. The other 120 or so pages, the actual commentary by Brunnhölzl is more loosely written and while still quite rewarding, but not as succinct as the introduction, IMO.It is clear that Brunnhölzl practices what he preaches, so to speak, and his writing represents, as mentioned, some actual dharma realization on his part. How welcome!If I have any criticisms of this book, they are few. Brunnhölzl’s style of writing is very consistent, but perhaps that consistency deserves IMO a little more variation or “breathing†(like expanding and narrowing of the scope) that resuscitates the reader as we dig through his meaningful text. At least I find this true of the commentary section.And my other criticism is that the great many analogies, etc., while they liven up the texts, are a little mundane. I wish they were more poetical.Other than that, this book is a good sign of what I look for in modern Western Buddhism. Years ago, when I asked my Rinpoche when we could stop doing our practice in Tibetan and use English, his answer was that it would take time and we are waiting for Americans to enlighten themselves and write our own texts and sadhanas. Hmmm. That had not occurred to me. LOL.
Life changing book, because it changes your view of "reality." It delves into the heart sutra, and explains "emptiness". It was recommended by Pema Chodron, otherwise I never would have chosen it bc of the odd title.
Who knew the Heart Sutra would be so much fun to explore? The examples used in this book were easy to work with, like how the author talked in depth about how we misinterpret the word 'empty' and all the connotations we put on it, like 'empty wallet'. He did not dumb down this compact sutra, but rather he elevated the way I think about it. I've loaned out my copy to a friend, and am thinking of buying another for my own reference in case I don't get it back. It is well worth reading, and more than once. I am delighted to find an explanation of the Heart Sutra that is both meaty and manageable.
It's very readable, and the author appears to have read all the prior commentaries, so he sums up what has been said before, explains the issues clearly, and makes a convincing case as to why the sutra is so significant. I learned a great deal and it held my attention.
EXCELLENT read about the Heart Sutra, looking into every possible aspect of this traditional chant of the Buddhist practitioner.Nirvana is already here.
When seeing this book, one might perhaps have two mistaken ideas. One is saying: "Why another commentary on the Heart Sutra? Aren't there many already?" Another mistaken thought could be: "The books by Khenpo Karl Brunnhölzl are too technical, too difficult; this is not for me." When you open the Heart Attack Sutra book, you will find for yourself that both of these expectations are false.The author chose a masterful balance in writing this commentary. On one hand, it is lively, experiential, humorous, and full of practical instructions on how to engage the Heart Sutra as a contemplative manual: how to take the words of the sutra to one's heart on the meditation cushion and how to use the message the ancient sutra conveys in everyday life in today's world. The essence of this approach is captured in this quote from p. 142:"The Heart Sutra is not primarily about all phenomena (be they skandhas or the four noble truths) as objects, but it is always pointing back to our mind as the subject and how it deals with all these objects. How do we deal with our eyes, our ears, our nose, our tongue, and our body? How do we deal with our sense perceptions? How do we deal with our suffering? How do we deal with the causes of suffering? How do we deal with our path?"On the other hand, this is no dharma-lite booklet for bedtime reading. Khenpo Karl brings into his narrative the vast knowledge of the Prajñaparamita sutras commentarial tradition, skillfully quoting definitions, classifications, etymologies and meanings of the technical terms quoted in or associated with the sutra, accompanied by present-day examples elucidating the meaning.The author based his Heart Sutra commentary on the Indian commentaries, selected Tibetan commentaries as well as Chinese and contemporary Western commentaries and he refers to them throughout. He is also relying on his extensive study of the commentaries on both explicit and hidden meaning of Prajñaparamita as evidenced by his voluminous publications of Center of the Sunlit Sky, Gone Beyond I & II and Groundless Paths.As for the content, the book consists of the meaning commentary in the Introduction followed by the word commentary going through each passage. Khenpo Karl comments on a word or a sentence of the sutra from the technical point of view and then illustrates how this passage can be readily used for contemplation, for practice, for spiritual transformation.Finally, the book also includes an instruction on the practice of the Prajñaparamitahridaya Sadhana by Mahasiddha Darika. Even though this sadhana has been translated and commented upon elsewhere (Elaborations on Emptiness, Donald Lopez), without Khenpo Karl's clear practice instructions, it is difficult if not impossible to put this lovely visualization - which is enacting the story of the Heart Sutra, very much like a theatre play - into practice.In sum, when enjoying such balance between precision and readability, a miracle of a sort happens: while reading this book, you are drawn into the narrative as if wanting to finish it in one sitting - like a detective story with a humorous undertone - and at the same time you are being served the dharma without compromise, gems of traditional scholarship, which in other contexts would put most people to sleep. But here both approaches not only can coexist side by side, but are even enhancing each other, feeding the fire of prajña arising from such delightful reading. And so one can rightfully ask a question: Isn't the Heart Attack Sutra book an evidence of the genuine western Buddhism actually taking root, where the western approach to narration is employed without compromising on the precision of the traditional discourse? It is, for me. For that reason this is not yet another, redundant commentary, this is a unique masterpiece and is worth reading for all who aspire to be followers of the genuine tradition of the Heart Sutra.This Heart Attack Sutra is truly the attack for the ego's heart and therefore it is a delight for the heart aspiring for freedom.
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